Maternal healthcare (Iniziativa Madre Maria) – Giugno 2014

Greetings from Sololo. Hope this mail finds you in good health.
We are fine and working hard to achieve our objectives.
I want to thank you and your team for your tireless effort in supporting our activities. This is my humble gesture that God alone knows what and how to repay.
For the goods just entered they are good and useful. Thanks a lot and your team..

Am writing  to you about the progress of our work. We are happy that maternal care has been taken very well by the community whereby by the end of last month we reached our target of deliveries of more than 150 in the first half of the year. In comparison to last year there is 39% increase which is something positive. We are happy and on our behalf tell the well wishers that we will continue the beautiful course.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

I remain yours in Christ,

Sr. Judith

Posted in Iniziative in corso